407 Exploration House, 145 Robert Mugabe Way, Harare, Zimbabwe
407 Exploration House, 145 Robert Mugabe Way, Harare, Zimbabwe
New Release

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Who We Are
YASD uses sport as a tool to raise awareness on developmental issues. The organisation works with disadvantaged and marginilised young people to help them attain an education and life skills.
Through its programming YASD’s intention is to develop role models and community leaders from the vulnerable children, participating in its various programs
Let the numbers talk!

We provide support for more than +15.000 people.

Youths Reached fromt Hatcliffe community.


young people reached every year
New Release

Our History

Young Achievement Sports for Development (YASD) was initiated in 2005 by a group of young people living in an informal slum settlement that was borne out of continuous displacements and eviction of the residents. The community was destroyed by a Government of Zimbabwe clean-up operation that destroyed informal settlements.

The clean-up operation resulted in most of the children dropping of school and roaming the streets. Being idle made them more vulnerable to a lot of risky behaviour: drugs, crime, prostitution and early marriage.